Where Do You Buy Gold Bars? A Guide for First-Time Investors

Where Do You Buy Gold Bars?Investing in gold is a sound financial decision as of today. This commodity is no longer an item that defines stature. Gold, as a type of precious metal, is a hedge against inflation other economic crashes.

Once they are present in your portfolio, your existing assets will be covered and protected.

Physical gold, however, is not that easy to purchase. Aside from the fact that a single ounce of it has an expensive cost, the process of acquiring it is not straightforward.

What you need right now is to ensure that you have a reputable dealer. Where do you buy gold bars anyway? If this is a question that baffles your head, then this guide is right for you.

Gold bars, among many types of gold products, are considered to be the most profitable. They have high value and use. It is not a surprising thing anymore that various corporations and governments are hoarding them.

For an ordinary layman, this thing might be too difficult to achieve. However, with the right motivation and dedication, a person can really get it.



Why Do You Need to Invest Gold?

Before we talk about the proper venue where you can make your first gold purchase, it is necessary that you know why you are going to do it in the first place.

Right from the get-go, gold is no longer used as a currency of modern times. However, if we take its role as a form of money, one can say that it is far more valuable than any existing paper currencies today.

One of the reasons for this is its innate stability. Even if the major currencies like the U.S. dollar will fall, the value of gold still remains. In fact, it can even grow!

Gold is something that you can hold, just like cash and money.

Your cryptocurrencies may be a good thing. However, they are just fleeting and virtual. You can’t say that they are automatically resistant to internet frauds and thievery.

On the flip side, gold cannot be hacked nor it can be destroyed by fire or water.

If you are looking for long-term investment, you should seek gold and other precious metals. Their value remains the same and they are quite impervious to damages and other economic downfalls.

They work well as forms of inheritance or retirement investments.



Why Choose Gold Bar?

Just like we said, there are different types of gold. However, if you allow us to make the decision for you, we would like you to go for bullion gold bars than coins.

Here are the reasons why:

First, whether you believe it or not, gold bars are cheaper than gold coins. You may think that these bars are more expensive because of their inherent size.

However, that’s not really the case. Making premium coins that are IRA-approved is not that easy. Processing them requires intricate procedures and labor. These things increase their price.


Gold Bars


Second, gold bars are just plain in aesthetics but that thing alone can save you a lot of money. You want gold because of investment and financial purposes. You don’t need them for collections (unless that’s your intention).

Th‏ird, gold bars are far easier to store than gold coins. It is an interesting thing to know that you can save more space for every ounce of gold bars than of gold coins of the same amount or volume.

In fact, you should know that gold bars are designed to improve the storage ergonomics of precious metals.



Where Do You Buy Gold Bars?

The next thing that you need to know is the market where you can purchase these gold bars. Honestly, there are a lot of reputable precious metal dealers today.

The professional bullion market is quite filled with them. When it comes to this aspect, we can say that there is no such thing as scarcity.

However, if you want the best right from the start, we do suggest that you check the Regal Assets. As far as we are concerned, this company is arguably the most trustworthy dealer of gold and other forms of alternative assets.


An Introduction to Regal Assets

Regal Assets is a U.S. based company that specializes in precious metals and IRA services. They are directly responsible for billions of transactions in the precious metal industry.

Many investors and financial experts deem them to be the leading service provider of various alternative assets.

This company has a person named Tyler Gallagher as its CEO. According to him, the primary goal of Regal Assets is to ensure that people from all classes and demographics have the opportunity to secure their wealth and savings.

Apparently, Regal Assets have confidence in this claim due to their gold-backed IRA services. Of course, the gold that is involved here is gold bars.


Regal Assets Banner


Aside from gold, you can also get platinum, palladium, and silver from this company. Once your knowledge and proficiency over precious metals and investments have widened, you are free to invest in those commodities already.

Regal Assets doesn’t lack recognition either, that’s what we can ascertain. The company has been included already in the Inc. Magazine. Specifically, they are appeared in their illustrious “500 List,” which features all the five hundred companies in the U.S. that showed dominance while they are still growing.

Aside from this, the company also appeared in various business and financial outlets such as Reuters, Hollywood Reporter, Forbes, and Smart Money.


Services of Regal Assets

Regal Assets offers a wide range of products and services. They are the ones that should be able to accommodate those who are seeking for gold bars and other precious metals.

They also extensively promote the importance of purchasing these items because of their stability and value. Aside from their standard gold buy-and-sell, Regal Assets also offers IRA rollovers.

The company offers a myriad of gold portfolios as well. Here are some of them:

  • Legacy Portfolio – $25,000
  • Kingship – $50,000
  • Dynasty – $100,000
  • Coronation Portfolio – $250,000

Take note that those figures are the corresponding value or cost of these portfolio packages.


Why Choose Regal Assets

There are multiple reasons why you need to opt for the services of Regal Assets than other precious metal dealers.

Impressive Track Record

The performance of Regal Assets is close to being untarnished. Of course, we always believe that there’s no perfect company out there.

The only difference between Regal Assets is that it is always a responsive company. If there are issues filed against them, they immediately act on it.

Because of that, it is not a surprise anymore that Regal Assets has a good standing over various review sites like Better Business Bureau and TrustLink.


Regal Assets home page


Features Accredited Storage

Unlike other precious metal companies, one should know that Regal Assets does offer segregated vaults for the storage of commodities.

Of course, this is an important thing because it allows their clients to keep track of their products. It prevents the fear that all of your products will be mixed in a single compartment.

Other companies may have this kind of service. However, their pricing is quite ceiling-high. On the flipside, Regal Assets only have a fixed storage fee of $150 annually.


Hassle-Free Shipping

Regal Assets is capable of sending your gold bar as quickly as possible. They can process your purchases in the fastest time possible to avoid delays and logistical issues.

The company will give you the exact timeframe of when your items will arrive safely.

Furthermore, they deliver these items to your doorsteps with guaranteed security. Your gold bars will be packed securely and anonymously. Several authentication steps will be provided to avoid fraud.

Therefore, if you are looking where to buy gold bars, you should seek Regal Assets first!



This is the very company that can ensure smooth and secure transactions to their clients. They have impressive customer service which will answer all your questions and doubts.


If you have any questions regarding the where to buy gold bars or Regal Assets, please do not hesitate to leave us a comment below.



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